
Alexander Haentzschel is a Profes­sor of Media and Commu­ni­ca­tion Studies at SRH Univer­sity Heidelberg. He also works as a commu­ni­ca­tion consul­tant. For more than twenty years he has been dealing with the develo­p­ment of the media in Europe and Asia.

Alexander Haentzschel © Photo: Nicole Schramm

School of Information, Media and Design

As dean, Alexander Haentzschel heads the School of Infor­ma­tion, Media and Design at SRH Univer­sity Heidelberg. The faculty has been offering popular programs at Bache­lor and Master level for 40 years.

Medien- und Kommunikationsmanagement

Media and Communications Management

As program manager, Alexander Haentzschel develo­ped an innova­tive study concept. Struc­tu­red like a journey through the media world, the students get to know all relevant areas of the industry.

Science Communication Network

As the founder of Science PR, Alexander Haentzschel works as a consul­tant for scien­ti­fic insti­tu­ti­ons. The services offered range from strategy develo­p­ment to online commu­ni­ca­tion, corpo­rate publi­shing and public relations.


Alexander Haentzschel has been support­ing the Insti­tute for European Global Studies of the Univer­sity of Basel as a commu­ni­ca­tion consul­tant since 2013. The inter­di­sci­pli­nary insti­tute exami­nes relati­ons with Europe from a global perspective.

Media development in Asia and Europe

As an acade­mic, Alexander Haentzschel analy­ses the develo­p­ment of news flows in certain regions of Asia and Europe. He is a member of various acade­mic socie­ties such as the German Associa­tion for Asian Studies.

Asia and Europe in a Global Context

As Head of Press and Public Relati­ons, Alexander Haentzschel was respon­si­ble for commu­ni­ca­ti­ons at the Cluster of Excel­lence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context” at Heidelberg Univer­sity for five years. In 80 projects, about 250 scien­tists resear­ched the dynamics of trans­cul­tu­ral flows.


Alexander Haentzschel works as a manager, lectu­rer and consul­tant. He previously worked in journa­lism, public relati­ons and digital commu­ni­ca­ti­ons. He studied European culture, Asian history and business adminis­tra­tion at univer­si­ties in Europe and Asia.

Alexander Haentzschel © Photo: Guelay Keskin